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EVENT PREMIERE - FutureSeeds LIVE 26th May 2021, Byron Bay Australia

EP 1
December 1, 2019
Martin Winiecki
Towards a trust-based culture
Martin is the leader of the institute for global peacework at Tamera healing biotope, Portugal
EP 2
December 15, 2019
Damon Gameau
A sustainable world by 2040
Damon is an award-winning film director and actor, director of the movies “2040” and “That sugar film”
EP 3
December 29, 2019
Paul Dunn
Business for Good
Paul is the chairman of B1G1, four-time TedX speaker, award-winning entrepreneur and master presenter
EP 4
January 12, 2020
Lyn Carson
Upgrading democracy
Lyn is the director of NewDemocracy and a former professor in applied politics at the University of Sydney business school
EP 5
February 2, 2020
Scott Newton
The Art of Consensus
Scott Newton is a facilitator and stakeholder engagement strategist
EP 6
February 16, 2020
Mona Green
Changing our Story
Mona is a life-coach and a Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner
EP 7
March 1, 2020
Helena Norberg-Hodge
The untold truth about our social and ecological collapse
Helena is an award-winning environmentalist and the founder of LocalFutures
EP 8
March 19, 2020
Eli Jaxon-Bear and Gangaji
Embracing the Brokenness of the World
Eli and Gangaji are spiritual teachers and founders of the Leela Foundation
EP 9
April 1, 2020
Nicole Gibson
Love Out Loud
Nicole is a speaker, author and founder of the "Love Out Loud" movement
EP 10
April 18, 2020
Caroline Myss
Does everybody have a calling?
Caroline is a speaker, author and spiritual teacher
EP 12
May 13, 2020
Michael Shuman
Your Future is Local: Put your Money where your Life is
Michael is an American economist, attorney, writer and speaker
EP 11
May 13, 2020
Santiago Siri
When Democracies Turn Digital To Fight Corruption
Santiago is a programmer, activist and co-founder of Democracy Earth
EP 13
September 4, 2020
Tessa Mac Kenzie
Healing the Community
Tessa is a facilitator and trainer for social development and corporate social responsibility
EP 14
September 18, 2020
Kamea Chayne
From Fashion to Regeneration and Re-Indigenization
Kamea is the host of the GreenDreamer podcast, an author and eco-activist
EP 15
November 4, 2020
Maximo Bottaro
Planting trees to save the world | PART 1
Maximo is a scientist and the CEO & founder of Reforest Now
EP 16
November 14, 2020
Maximo Bottaro
Planting trees to save the world | PART 2
Maximo is a scientist and the CEO & founder of Reforest Now
EP 17
November 20, 2020
Susan Barnes
Meditation, purpose and work
Susan is a meditation teacher and personal growth facilitator
EP 18
November 27, 2020
Susan Barnes
How meditation can improve our communication and heal society
Susan is a meditation teacher and personal growth facilitator
EP 19
December 4, 2020
Dorset Campbell-Ross
How to avoid and resolve any conflict with non-violent communication
Dorset is a counsellor certified in non-violent communication, mediator and seminar leader
EP 20
December 12, 2020
Dorset Campbell-Ross
How to open difficult conversations with your husband, boss or friend
Dorset is a counsellor certified in non-violent communication, mediator and seminar leader
EP 21
January 8, 2021
Shadé Zahrai
The Science of Happiness: 5 areas of fulfillment and 5 inner critics
Shadé is a keynote speaker, mindset expert, leadership coach and entrepreneur
EP 22
January 15, 2021
Shadé Zahrai
The Science of Happiness: moving through fear and finding purpose
Shadé is a keynote speaker, mindset expert, leadership coach and entrepreneur
EP 23
March 5, 2021
Donnie Maclurcan
Is Capitalism Collapsing?
Affiliate Professor of Economics at Southern Oregon University and Executive Director of the Post Growth Institute
EP 24
March 12, 2021
Donnie Maclurcan
How the whole world is shifting towards shared ownership
Affiliate Professor of Economics at Southern Oregon University and Executive Director of the Post Growth Institute
EP 25
July 8, 2021
Mara Bun
Building an economy that values the planet
President of the Australian Conservation foundation, and director at Australian Ethical Investments and Australian Impact Investments
EP 26
March 21, 2022
Jean Renouf
The New Normal: Disasters, Resilience and Regeneration
Jean is a lecturer in International Relations and Politics at the Southern Cross University
EP 27
November 15, 2022
Jean Renouf
True Resilience is mental, emotional and spiritual
Jean is a lecturer in International Relations and Politics at the Southern Cross University
EP 28
February 2, 2023
Phil Preston
Committing business to purpose
Phil is a speaker, an author and a facilitator
EP 29
February 9, 2023
Phil Preston
Hope for the World: The Benefits of Purposeful Business Practices
Phil is a speaker, an author and a facilitator